Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Quebec Day Hash

Fete Nationale de Quebec - St Jean

We were 20 hashers assembled in front of Nicco Park with the Hash Flag. Late Cummer, I was late as usual waiting for French volunteer Anne Sophie, physiotherapist working in Uluberia - a town near Calcutta, who’d arrived at Howrah station only an hour before to spend a weekend with the hashers. Fiddler drove us from New Alipore to Nicco Park in his red Ford with AC and Hindi music much appreciated by our visitor. This was what we introduced her to.

Hares: Hungry Kya Alain, Stalker Ashish, La La Christyne
GM: Molester
RA: Pants Down and Bean Town
Drey: Sarah, Hissin’ Sid, Late Cummer
Hash Handled: Quack Quack Soma
Virgins: Minnesota, Yvonnik, Anne Sophie,
Returnee: Rajnish
Also rans: Fiddler, Sexy Legs Chiru, Avinash, Topsurd Chintu, Lickin Lucky
Latecomers at the Party: Sex Guru Saw, Pinky, Joy, Deb
Décor: Blue Balls, white streamers, Quebec standards
Beer: 70 large bottles of Kingfisher, Foster…
Shots: Prune liquor from Rumania
Music: Quebecois

We finally got the rabble together in Christyne’s driveway and set off on a trail in the by lanes, parks and alleys of Salt Lake. As we walked with our red hash flag the locals must have been wondering what foreign party we were campaigning for post-elections especially as the hashers were collecting the Communist Party plastic posters tied to lamp posts. Pammi and Chintu were seen playing cricket in the park. Chintu also went down a slide in a children’s park with great difficulty I might add. No one got stuck in the turnstiles. And more importantly, Pammi did not get lost!

We circled back in Christyne’s driveway just as a light drizzle started falling. On the steps, and then stood up against the wall like the offenders we were, we were given down downs by the acting RAs and GMs.

The Hares got down downs. Stalker had kept La La and Alain waiting so long they first set off in the car to lay the trail! Since that didn’t work they doubled back for a quick beer and set off on foot again. Still, hats off to them for not getting us lost on the trail or we’d still be wandering around as of course none of us knew the Quebecker’s home address!

Molester spoke feelingly about Quebec and other kingdoms ruled by superior governments. Stalker was made to sit in the ice bucket with the beers. Chiru brought an American girl, the 435th girl he’s convinced to come on a Hash and we drank to Minnesota. The new shoes were given down downs and Yvonnik had to serenade Anne Sophie on bended knee; since he couldn’t give us a French song, Molester sang Ou est le papier to the tune of the Marseillaise. La La and Alain wanted me to hand out the Quebec anthem, and Stalker had also made printouts of the new hash song Masturbator to the tune of Magarena as well as the Interhash and Nash Hash regos. This got me another down down for disrupting the circle. Soma from The Park had to be given a hash handle and Molester chose Quack Quack over Glam chick, so we drank to that. I got downs downs with other mobile offenders for using the mobile phone in the circle, misguiding Sex Guru Saw who still made it to the circle and hash bash afterwards. At this point I think I must have given up helping the drey as I seemed to be doing down downs with the best of em. As Sex Guru had finally reached with Deb and so had Pinky with Joy, the Late comers got down downs. Then we had the Hash song and La La and Quack Quack danced the Magarena while Sex Guru Saw, Stalker, Molester, and all sang to the lyrics I’d handed out. Hysterical.

The party took off after that and there was much revelry. La La had made pasta salads, crudités and dips, and Molester’s and my favourite –rice puff with marshmallows (to die for) and cupcakes. We listened to French music and a radio broadcast from Quebec interviewing Alain on how he planned to spend the Fete Nationale de Quebec called St Jean. They really had no idea how the hashers would celebrate! There was dancing, slap and tickle and a bonfire. The constant drizzle did nothing to dampen spirits.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Gosh, what a hot and muggy weekend. I think we may have to forget
about a Hash this Saturday and just concentrate on a Hash on the last
Saturday of this month - the Quebec Day KRH3 hash. Christyne is very
excited and has suggested trails in Salt Lake that Stalker Ashish and
Hungry Kya Alain have to finalise. Leftover beers and drinks from Last
hash are with Stalker. Glasses and all with Hissin' Sid. More about
that later...
Late Cummer Neela 9830014934
Here's a write up found by Sexy Legs Chiru of a

Hash Watch in small town UK

Please note there has been no editorial input to these Words. You get
'em just as they were writ!

Kimpton - 6th June
Some reet funny go'ng ons hap'en in t'is village last M'nday. Early
t'in th' ev'ning a man and a woman turned op and begun stud'ing maps.
Marking oot the expansion t' the airport runway I tho'ht. But noo.
They begun blobbing floour al'ng th' rood and puting qu'er circles
aroond the footpaths. I tho'ht we got some qu'er erns ere.

Two 'oors later they retur'd to pub where th'y waited till sum moor
folks join'd em. Funny clothes all of th'm were we'ring. T-shirts w'th
perculuar signs on 'em and strange words. Qu'er lot.

'On On' shooted one called the GM. Prob'bly short for 'genetically
modified'. Away th'y all run doon th' street and th'n th'y all run
back. 'Check it,' was th' shoot'. Funny th' street was named soo why
wou'd th'y need to check it? Up the lane th'y run and th'n stoped,
another check. Some run oop th' hill, other too th' right, ' False
trail' some'ne shouted. Back th'y all coom. What strange gooings on.
Away th'y wen' op the footpath to ' right. At ' next corner a few coom
back circled roond the last two runners th'n wen' on agan. Proper
looney it wer. Up th' hill to the farm th'y wen'. More of th'm running
to back th'n running to front. Down the hill to th' village and op
footpath to tennis club. Are th'y gooing to play tennis I tho'ht. But

Along path to rood and acroos rood to rape fields. All throo rape
fields th'e run, and th'n turned right t' woods. Doon the hill and
tho'gh the wood they went, acroos the fields with the sheep, where one
wer' he'rd to say ' Are th'y danger'us?' Funny people. On to ' pub
whe' th'y formed a circle and som'ne called Big Blose gave drinks to
Dead meat for his birthday, to a rabbit for no' knowing th' wood fro'
th' trees, to walnut whip willie for being too fit, and to a Mekon for
pulling a dog th't wes not ther. Ther' wer' oothers but I forgooten
th'm. I wer too busy thinking, ''and th'y call us villagers qu'er''.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Summertime Interhash rego

Dear Hashers,

I'm sure we're all suffering extreme lethargy from the heat wave in Calcutta and the delayed Monsoons. I can barely bring myself to type, but would rather send out hash mail where there's no chance oof goog up than try to work.

I know we can't even decide what we're doing today - stock up on liquor as Calcutta is gonna be Dry for the Calcutta Municipal Corporation Elections this weekend - support the Jungle Crows Rugby Match at CCFC on Saturday evening, go for a fash bash at the Designer Duo, d.’s at Dakhinapara just over the new Howrah bridge…let alone make decisions about travel plans in 2006. However, the Interhash 2006 is a unique event and if you do log on to the website, click on the list of those already registered and thank your lucky stars you haven’t a hash name like Honkers, Upchuck or Mindphuck!

Gear up for the Quebec Day KRH3 hash in Salt lake followed by the AIDS concert at MahaJyoti Sadan MG Road on 25th June.

On, on,

Late Cummer Neela

Interhash 2006 is in Chiang Mai, Thailand, with pre and post lubes in Laos, Cambodia,
Vietnam, Thailand and China. We have included a train journey from Singapore to Chaing Mai through Malaysia and Thailand.

Come and join us for the Hashing event of 2006!
The registration fee for Interhash 2006 will increase from $125 to $150 at the end of
June 2005.
It is important that all those wanting to take advantage of the cheaper registration fee

To register please visit the official website

Registration is available both online and offline. To register online, please visit the

Offline registration forms can be downloaded from:

Offline payment forms can be downloaded from:

Group registrations please contact the registrar directly: email to

Chiang Mai 2006 World Interhash is a joint effort of hashes in the Mekong region
Cambodia - China - Laos - Myanmar - Thailand - Vietnam
Send questions or comments to: boss@