Gosh, what a hot and muggy weekend. I think we may have to forget
about a Hash this Saturday and just concentrate on a Hash on the last
Saturday of this month - the Quebec Day KRH3 hash. Christyne is very
excited and has suggested trails in Salt Lake that Stalker Ashish and
Hungry Kya Alain have to finalise. Leftover beers and drinks from Last
hash are with Stalker. Glasses and all with Hissin' Sid. More about
that later...
Late Cummer Neela 9830014934
Here's a write up found by Sexy Legs Chiru of a
Hash Watch in small town UK
Please note there has been no editorial input to these Words. You get
'em just as they were writ!
Kimpton - 6th June
Some reet funny go'ng ons hap'en in t'is village last M'nday. Early
t'in th' ev'ning a man and a woman turned op and begun stud'ing maps.
Marking oot the expansion t' the airport runway I tho'ht. But noo.
They begun blobbing floour al'ng th' rood and puting qu'er circles
aroond the footpaths. I tho'ht we got some qu'er erns ere.
Two 'oors later they retur'd to pub where th'y waited till sum moor
folks join'd em. Funny clothes all of th'm were we'ring. T-shirts w'th
perculuar signs on 'em and strange words. Qu'er lot.
'On On' shooted one called the GM. Prob'bly short for 'genetically
modified'. Away th'y all run doon th' street and th'n th'y all run
back. 'Check it,' was th' shoot'. Funny th' street was named soo why
wou'd th'y need to check it? Up the lane th'y run and th'n stoped,
another check. Some run oop th' hill, other too th' right, ' False
trail' some'ne shouted. Back th'y all coom. What strange gooings on.
Away th'y wen' op the footpath to ' right. At ' next corner a few coom
back circled roond the last two runners th'n wen' on agan. Proper
looney it wer. Up th' hill to the farm th'y wen'. More of th'm running
to back th'n running to front. Down the hill to th' village and op
footpath to tennis club. Are th'y gooing to play tennis I tho'ht. But
Along path to rood and acroos rood to rape fields. All throo rape
fields th'e run, and th'n turned right t' woods. Doon the hill and
tho'gh the wood they went, acroos the fields with the sheep, where one
wer' he'rd to say ' Are th'y danger'us?' Funny people. On to ' pub
whe' th'y formed a circle and som'ne called Big Blose gave drinks to
Dead meat for his birthday, to a rabbit for no' knowing th' wood fro'
th' trees, to walnut whip willie for being too fit, and to a Mekon for
pulling a dog th't wes not ther. Ther' wer' oothers but I forgooten
th'm. I wer too busy thinking, ''and th'y call us villagers qu'er''.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Dear Hashers, The Revolutionaries are meeting at the Oberoi Grand Hotel on Saturday 9th December, 2006 at 3:30 p.m. to hash. Circle at Rangers. Free beers for Rs.100. I’ll bring my Chiangmai souvenir give aways. Molester is coming and we’ll see if we can join the Nash Hash in Hyderabad in Jan 26th. Late Cummer 9830014934
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