Saturday, August 26, 2006

Fire and Ice Hash

Bill n Sarah were in town for a Monsoon weekend. The Old Reprobate serenaded me on bended knee in the newly remodeled car park of The British Club as I entered. That barmy Monsoon Thursday, we’d managed to get Molester Walsh, Willy Wanker Shaun, Arran, David Purdy, Sexy legs Chiru, Vijaya Daing, Tony together in the nowadays relatively empty British Club. Sarah and I reminisced about how there used to be sixty people there having a good time in the good old days when there wasn’t a ten o’clock curfew!

Walsh told us that the rugby was cancelled on Saturday so we decided to move the hash back to Saturday afternoon. I left the hashers smoking in the parking lot. God knows what they did later for Fried Ashish has pictures of Molester and Double D in the boot of a taxi with Arran beside it. They had taken the taxi to Roxy by which time Molester’s sandal had fallen off enrouteI Bean Town, Double D after another drink went on up to their room at The Park, leaving a sleeping Molester and Arran and Hashish to keep the side up drinking and dancing till the early hours. Flashback to previous Saturday night when Debu was the one sleeping it off at Roxy. Saw these hash flashes at Ego at the Peerless Inn where the party continued Friday night. Even TopSurd Chintu was there to welcome Bean Town, Double D and me back to Cal. Very warm moments with him calling me hot and I wishing him happy belated b'day. So who is she Sohini, Lilly, Dev r Nil, and Patrick were already on the circular dance floor (around which a white tassled curtain was drawn at the end of the evening). Arran finally figured out where the place was and joined us just as we'd finally figured out the who's who in the Ego line up of film stars and politicians. Go check it out and see if you can recognize the second face in the wall of fame!

Willy Wanker and Molester and Bean Town and Double D were to hare two by two on Saturday but the first pair ditched. On Saturday morning, Walsh sent an sms that he had to attend a Kolkata Police football tournament. I bumped into Shaun and Naveen Pai Just Around the Corner coffeeshop in the afternoon. Arran was incommunicado having drowned his sorrows in drink on Friday night at Venom after our sortie at Ego. Lilly was hors combat and Bean Town and Double D were the first to reach the Rangers. Ashish's brains are so fried that he came in his rubber chappals to the hash although he remembered to bring his brightly coloured giant T shirts that were as tall as my cousin Josh - Hash Horror brought on the pretext that we'd see some football on the Maidan. The T shirts weren’t hash T shirts but if anyone was expecting a run that day, they only had to pick up one of the T shirts which all had either holes or runs! Sexy Legs Chiru who looked "rough" wasn't there to walk. He suggested beer at Fire and Ice as the Ranger’s Bar doesn’t open till 5p.m. and Bill, Sarah and Vijaya were the only ones propping up the empty bar. Willy Wanker kept yanking around saying he was on his way but didn't reach. Other hashers trickled in in all states of non hash gear. Khal-Nayak must think this is just a drinking club with a problem as he came in his office gear and took a lift in the car to Fire and Ice. The rest of us – Bean Town, Double D, Vijaya, me, the hash horror and the even bigger horror Hashish - walked through the tall grasses of the Maidan and the death defying crossing on Chowringhee to make it to Fire and Ice for some more than welcome cold beer. The others had coolly taken their cars there. Chintu arrived, Chiru had disappeared. Molester was still listening to the Mayor’s speech and Shaun was still arriving. Madhuri made it and was delighted with the pizzeria as was Bill and Sarah who had probably been surviving on a solely liquid diet till then! Shaun finally made it to Rangers where the hash drinking continued till 11 p.m….

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Losing my voice and gaining my Religious Advisor

Dear Hashers,
Bean Town Billie and Double D Sarah must be on their way to India as Igot in to office this morning and didn't find a joke email from Billto brighten up my day!They arrive tomorrow ie Thursday as they are planning on "drinking for4 days" in the watering holes of Calcutta. This is what Bill has tosay about the Sunday afternoon truck hash-"Hashin with revolutionary reprobates is not what we had in mind but ifthe Rangers are not planning the day for us (they like their Sundayevents and they are normally done by 3 but will be far enough into thecups to make it or so we may be able to drag our already been drinkingfor 4 days asses to the circle for a down down.On On"while Sarah says " Hey, if it is a truck run I am all for it! On on!"Yay. So better be there in numbers to party with them as you've beenwarned - the weekend in Calcutta starts on Thursday!If you haven't got calls from me reminding you that the Saturday Hashwill be on Sunday afternoon it's cos I've lost my voice. I think it'slaryngitis but Arran says it's more a case of"Too-much-partying-on-Saturday." Ofcourse I may just be speechless atthe news that DD has proposed and been accepted and may be leaving usfor an NRI in Manchester!Rono made some rude and lewd deep throat references as I tried nursingmy vocal chords with neat Old Monk Rum at his housewarming party onSunday. I've warned Jayanta to start practicing Red House as Bill mayjust want to sing it again for old times sake on Saturday night atSome Place Else.I just hope I stop croaking and have a sexy drawl atleast. See ya atBrit Club I guess tho I've lost my card too and my membership may haveexpired...On, on,Late Cummer ;-D

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Independence Day Revolutionary Hash

We had an Independence Day Revolutionary Hash Run on 15th August, the idea being to have beer on a Dry Day. We got together 10 revolutionaries to meet around 5p.m. outside the ITC Sonar Bangla promising them dinner in China Town / Tangra afterwards.
Sudhanshu had picked me up from home, and after much coordination Arron from Hazra crossing and Lilly and Charlie from Arselan at Park Circus. Lilly and her younger sister Charlie were new shoes and even wore dainty sandals that made crossing the Wetlands an added adventure. Sudhanshu was another virgin hasher though he has been on a Sunday walk. Arron, Shaun's son, was returning hasher as was I after my trip to USA and France.
Fiddler’s car contained the hashers, Fiddlee, DD, GM Duck Suck, Dray Hissin Sid and the Kingfishers, Cobras, and other drinks. They must have mistaken the Independence Day Hash for an Indy car rally as they took us on a new circuit past the dhapa and shit mountain until I forced them to head to the wetlands we know and the clearing where we’ve had a few only-beer-hashes. The rains had turned the clearing into a mire and Fiddler’s car got stuck in the mud!
By the time they’d backed it on to the road and we started off on the hash trail, it was 6 p.m. We went in another direction to the trail we did when DD returned from China and this live hare trail led us over narrow bridges towards duck ponds, shanties and cows and kids. The nature walk was a great hit with the new hashers even though it started drizzling and we had all left our brollies in the car. Luckily, we were able to all squeeze under a bamboo shack. Water-ed Lilly took pictures and as journo with The Statesman was to do a write up of the Hash but didn’t get time.
When the rain stopped, we managed to head back again without falling in the mud or into the canals. We made it back by 6:30 to the cars and beers and had a small circle before heading directly to Tangra on good roads. We dined at Golden Joy but despite Fiddlers fiddling they couldn’t serve us beer. I’ve been hashing on Independence Day with great fervour for the last three years at Kodaikanal, Mysore and this year in the wetlands. Bill and Sarah hashed along with me and the good news is that they will be here this week with their August presence for a Revolutionary Run on Sunday 27th August as Saturday is booked for Molester and his Jungle Crows. More on RA Bill and Double D and the mysterious truck run later. Arron and Ashish (who is back from a "phenomenal time" in the Andamans) are responsible for drumming up more people for the hash. In the meantime please convince friends to join us and log on to for past hash details and all you've wanted to know about the hash but were too afraid to ask.....
Late Cummer9830014934

Independence Day Wetlands Hash

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Kodaikanal 12-14 Aug 06

Dates: Aug 12 - 14, 2006 (You will need Aug 15th to recover from the weekend!!!)

Place: Kodi

Limit on number of participants: 200

There has been a vocal interest, especially by Rail Jerker of Bangladesh, in our hosting a South Asian Interhash. Countries in South Asia include Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Srilanka, Bhutan and Burma. The last two do not have hashes as yet. We expect that the SAI will be hosted by different countries in turn. Hashes which have confirmed participation are the hashes in Bangladesh, Pakistan (Islamabad and Lahore are in touch - Karachi in the works) and Colombo. We are yet to manage contact with Nepal. Singapore and the Mother Hash in KL - the Selangor Hash - have circulated info to their members having heard about the event from somewhere.

MH3, with help from the other South Indian hashes in Bangalore and Hyderabad, had done a similar weekend at Kodi at the same time of year in 2003, and it went down in Indian Hash history as one of the best Indian Nash Hash ever. The hospitality is at the Carlton, a 5 Star hotel by the lake, and it is fully booked for hashers. The Indian Hashes which made Nash Hash Kodi what it was will once again play host to the South Asian Interhash 2006. Other Indian Hashes are welcome to join in as Hosts and help make the weekend an absolutely unforgetable one.

More details at The information will get more detailed as Mismanagement kicks into gear.

We look forward to your participation and playing host to the hashes of South Asia.

On On

Vinod "Beep Beep" Reddy