Hashers were to meet at Tollygunge Metro station at 4:15 p.m. on Saturday May 20th to follow Duck Suck Carl, Debu to head out to Kudhghat where they went and scouted this trail in a rural area called Ramnagar. Judge for yourselves. However it was pouring cats and dogs so we ended up having beers and chips at Tolly Club where Rahul was waiting for us. I had picked up Italian new comer Vivi, Robin at June Tomkyn's and Arron palying football in the rain on his street and we shared an umbrella into the Tolly Club Shamiana. There we hooked up with Pants Down Pammi there for a tennis prize giving ceremony and Molester Paul who was waiting to dry off before a meeting. We had a few beers, whiskeys, and Breezers and wondered how to continue the KRH3 Hash in the monsoons.
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Prison Run
The hashers met at the Taj where GM Duck Suck carl and Hissin Sid were hoisting the Hash Flag a red banner like the Communist party of West Bengal and giving out Hash T shirts. The present government banned from defacing public property with political graffiti had also been handing out t shirts to rickshawallas as their campaign to canvass votes.
Ours said Kolkata Revolutionary Hash House Harriers Run number 64 in red letters on a white T shirt. As we all changed into our T shirts except Ouistiti Rahul are returnee seaman who preferred his CCFC logo. Debu and Partha arrived late as usual. Ian came and had a camera to take a picture of all of us including RA Sexy Legs who was too tired to join us on the walk but came to see if any of his angels had arrived. As they didn't he quietly disappeared after promising us Hash T shirts for Run no 69.
DD, Fiddler Nitish, Fiddlee Jolly, Ian Odious Complex and guest Nayak headed out past the wedding Barat past the Taj patisserie and banquet area to behind the Taj, by the canal. We had to walk under the open sewage pipes of the Taj and luckily no one slipped into the Tolly's Nallah.
We came out past the bustee and in front of the zoo. Old hashers like me, Fiddlers and DD remembered doing the trail. The hares were Duck Suck and DD and they led us on what will be known as the Prison Run.
We had by now befriended the Hash Dog who trailed us till the end of his turf past the National Library up to the Alipore bridge. We turned right at the bridge and passed some lovely colonial houses belonging to the prison superintendents. There was a football match in progress in the garden/fields ringed by these old houses and we turned left by the canal bank passing a huge buffalo. We then found ourselves walking past the high prison walls of Alipore jail. Carl and Rahul were quite keen to climb up to the guard towers but we weren't allowed to. Wonder what the arms carrying guards thought of us as completely circled the prison walls coming out on to the Kalighat bridge near Bhawani Bhavan. The crowds just wondered what minority political party the eleven of us represented.
We even stopped on the way for garam garam hot shingaras and water as we reached the Belvedere road. We walked on back to the Taj to get into cars to follow DD leading on his yellow bike to circle up at Ranger's Club.
Having applied anti mosquito repellent, I voted for a sitting circle after our one hour walk but we rose for the Down Downs. Returnee Rahul the Ouistiti got a DD and had to tell us all about his travels to Singapore and the China seas. His tale of not getting any tail was sad indeed. The telephone offenders like Sid, me and Nayak got down downs. So Khalnayak and Debu wanted to hare and decided to do the Docks inspired by Rahul the sea dog. Odious Complex coined the name Debbie Does the Docks and we had a great time even after the circle once the famous Cheese Balls arrived. We ordered fish fingers and French fries. After the Hash Cash had paid for the Rs.20 guest club charges and the Rs.60 per beer, we chipped in to order more food while we waited for Lilly to arrive from The Statesman after she finished her beat. Odious Complex hung around and treated us to more beers before he had to go on to a teetotal and veg marwari wedding in North Calcutta. Fiddlers had to head back to check on kid Nishant's whose teacher had turned up at the Rangers. Rahul ran away to his workout and Debu and Partha left to get their car at the Taj. DD gave me a lift on his bike to Forum but I wasn't interested in going for Mistress of Spice as the Pink Panther is on only at 10 am! Lilly promised to be at the Botanic Garden Hash but probably ended up having a late night at Roxy!