Ice Ice Baby
Ice Ice Baby Run # 41 July 24, 2004Hares: Babe Ruth, Pants Down Pammi
Visiting Hasher: D/o Pants Down
Hash Horrors: Ella, Joss
Hashers: RA Bean Town, Drey Sarah, Late Cummer, Duck Suck Carl, DD Willy Wanker Shaun, Avinash,
Virgins: Zoria, Aaron, Callum
On a wet monsoon Saturday, the KRH3 met in Babe Ruth’s secret garden in Alipore. I arrived just in time to greet Willy Wanker and kids, Joss & Ella, or Hash Horrors as all pre-teen hashers are called, and prevent them from being shunted off. A quick change into hash gear and some frantic phone calls to Fiddler, Lucky & the boys ascertained that this hash was definitely going to remain a family hash. We were introduced to Shaun’s strapping young lads, Callum & Aaron, all in white and looking like young Beckhams in the making. The Kenworthy clan, Pants Down’s wife & daughter, visiting hasher of more than 100 runs in the Middle East, all came to break the ice with us die hard hashers. Zoria was there for her first KRH3 trail. Even DD managed to make it to the Hash in his red T shirt and red shoes. But unfortunately without camera to take all the family portraits! Babe Ruth was made to change into Hash T-shirt after she & Pants Down had laid the trail. Finally all the hashers were ready to head out the gate, to check out beautiful buildings and short cuts.
There were shreddies all along the streets, and to calls of “on on”, “shreddie”, the brat pack moved down Burdwan Road, through the Port Trust area, down Alipore Road and back. Shaun and his boys were front running bastards and kept streaking off into the distance. Pants Down as Hare n Wanker, kept track of his pack of hounds shepherding us onto the right trails. Ella & Joss wearing their T shirts with “we’ll take sports as far as you can go” on their backs kept right up with us all the way and even ran a bit! Crossing Burdwan Road, we circled back in Babe Ruth’s back garden. The block of ice was placed and the hares given a good icing for a wet behind the ears run! While Babe Ruth & Pammi, Duck Suck & I, and Pants Down’s daughter got iced, the others prolonged our agony by telling long-winded tales. With a little prompting from Shaun, Callum & Aaron narrated spine-chilling rugby proctology tales, and Pants Down short-changed us with tales of his daughter’s childhood to boos of “boring”! The Hash Horrors Joss & Ella were given veggie beers in the circle as the KRH3’s youngest hashers! While my derriere was going numb on the ice, Ella may have nipped a few swigs from my beer bottle, but this particular charge may be baseless. Poor Zoria got bitten by mosquitoes and therefore would have to scratch her memory to remember anything but her bites. The rest of us dead asses with frozen bottoms got flogged with a leather whip, more like a fly swatter, that Babe Ruth brought out to improve our circulation after the circle. It was decided that our GM Molester would do the next hash on 21st August, 2004. - Late Cummer Neela