Saturday, April 08, 2006

Saturday 8th April Last Ditch Attempt 4:30 Gandhi Statue

Last Ditch Attempt to resurrect the Kolkata Revolutionary Hash House Harriers this Saturday 8th April 2006 at 4:30 p.m. in front of the Gandhi Statue on Red Road. We'll have a live hare down downs

Farewell hashes:
Come to see Saw our RA Sex Guru before he leaves us end April. This is also Andy's last hash tho' he's been more active as a Hash Flash on the Sunday morning hashes and the Hallowe'en Hash Bashes and the blogspots! Andy leaves for Bombay where he may or may not join the menstrual hash to show off his Bangladesh Hash Tshirts!

Other last minute Hashes:
Our last effort was on 25th February at David Purdy's Kenilworth see where we ended up drinking beers and taking pot shots at bottles with a rifle! Before that we'd met for Bill and Sarah on 28th January at The Ranger's Club for more beers and cheese balls. In case people are still under the impression these were running hashes, let me explain that they were just light rambles followed by heavy beer drinking!

So come join us and we'll party all night. Down Down of pitchers to the ditchers!
On, on,

Late Cummer

p.s. The Gandhi Statue is near the tram lines on Red Road. For directions look on other reports

p.p.s. If you want to be taken off the hash e mail list please email back to


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